Belleville-Paderborn – Lehreraustausch 25.9. – 6.10.2006

Belleville-Paderborn – Teacher Exchange September 25 – October 6, 2006

Written by Nadia Weber, Almut Ulama, and Gabriele Lambrechts for the Goerdeler Gymnasium Webpage

Am 25. Oktober 2006 flogen wir drei Kolleginnen der Englischfachschaft des Goerdeler-Gymnasiums (Frau Lambrechts, Frau Ulama, Frau Weber) über den großen Teich in die USA nach Belleville, Illinois. Ziel dieser Studienreise war die Initiierung eines Austausches zwischen dem Goerdeler-Gymnasium und der O’Fallon Township High School (OTHS). Das Abenteuer begann schon mit den Einreiseformalitäten beim amerikanischen Zoll; in letzter Sekunde wurde der Flug nach St. Louis erreicht.On October 25, 2006, we three colleagues from the English department of the Goerdeler-Gymnasiuim (Ms. Lambrechts, Ms. Ulama, and Ms. Weber) flew across the big pond to Belleville, Illinois in the USA. The goal of this study trip was the initiation of an exchange between the Goerdeler-Gymnasium and O’Fallon Township High School (OTHS). The adventure began with the entrance formalities at the American customs gate, as the flight to St. Louis was barely made in the last seconds before departure.
Bereits am folgenden Tag begannen die Hospitationen in der Partnerschule. Noch vom Jet Lag beeinträchtigt standen wir den amerikanischen “Students” Rede und Antwort. Die Müdigkeit verflog jedoch sehr schnell angesichts der überaus interessierten und motivierten Schüler- und Lehrerschaft. Die amerikanischen Schüler begegneten uns mit einer beeindruckenden Offenheit und Natürlichkeit.Already on the following day the activities began in the partner school. Still feeling the effects of jet lag, we met with American students, spoke, and answered questions. The fatigue, however, quickly evaporated, once we were faced with the extremely interested and motivated students and teachers. The American students met us with an impressive openness and naturalness.

Viele der Schüler berichteten uns mit Stolz von ihren deutschen Wurzeln und fragten uns detailliert über das Leben in Deutschland aus. Wichtig war ihnen auch die Sichtweise der Deutschen – der Europäer – bezüglich der amerikanischen Politik kennen zu lernen. Auch eine kritische Sichtweise wurde von vielen verstanden und sogar verstärkt.

Many of the students told us with pride about their German roots and asked us in detail about life in Germany. It was also important to them to learn of Germans’, and Europeans’, perspectives especially of American politics. Many of them also understood a critical perspective and even found this perspective to be strengthened.

Schule in Amerika heißt nicht nur akademische Ausbildung, sondern es wird vor allem auch großen Wert auf Persönlichkeits- und Charakterbildung gelegt, welches sich vor allem in der Fächerwahl (electives) der Schüler manifestiert. Im Nachmittagsbereich wird sowohl von den Lehrern als auch von den Schülern Engagement für die Schule erwartet.

School in America means not only academic education, but also there is much value placed on the development of personality and character, which is manifested especially in the selection of elective courses. In the afternoons, teachers as well as students are expected to be engaged in activities for the school.

Alle außerunterrichtlichen Aktivitäten (z.B. Sport, Theater, Musik) dienen der Herausbildung einer corporate identity. Die Identifizierung mit sich und der Schule ist extrem hoch. Wie selbstverständlich werden T-Shirts, Buttons und Kappen der Schule mit Stolz jeden Tag getragen. Auch der Schulleiter demonstrierte zu jeder Zeit wie stolz er auf seine Schüler ist: er ließ z.B. kein Spiel seiner Sportmannschaften aus.

All extra-curricular activities (e.g., sports, theater, and music) serve in the building of a corporate identity. The identification with this group and the school is extremely high. This was self-evident in the school T-shirts, buttons, and caps which are worn proudly to school every day. Also the school principal demonstrated at all times how proud he is of his students: for example, he did not miss a game or event of any of his school’s sports teams.

Der Unterrichtston seitens der Lehrer und Schüler war außerordentlich freundlich, respektvoll und diszipliniert. Dies erscheint absolut nachahmenswert!

The tone of instruction on both the teachers’ and students’ sides was extraordinarily friendly, respectful, and disciplined. This seems absolutely worthy of emulation!

Basketball Wir Kolleginnen wurden seitens des Schulleiters (Principal) und des Dezernenten (Superintendent) aufs herzlichste empfangen und mit Gastgeschenken (u.a. Eintrittskarten für das Endspiel der Baseball- Mannschaften Cardinals vs. Milwaukee Brewers) überrascht. Sogar ein Fahrdienst wurde für uns organisiert.We three teachers were cordially received by the school principal and the superintendent, who presented us with gifts (among others, we were surprised with tickets for the Cardinals vs. Milwaukee Brewers baseball game.) Driving service was even organized for us.
Ein weiterer Programmpunkt war die Besichtigung der Landeshauptstadt Springfield; die wir mit einem schuleigenen Van erkundeten. Das neue Abraham Lincoln Museum beeindruckte uns hierbei am meisten.Another program event was a visit to the state capitol of Springfield, which we made with allowance of a school van. The new Abraham Lincoln Museum impressed us the most. Im Museum
Beim Bürgermeister Unsere Reise hatte auch einen ganz offiziellen Stellenwert. Zweimal wurden wir vom Bürgermeister der Stadt Belleville Mark Eckert empfangen. Bei diesem Treffen überreichten wir ein Gastgeschenk unseres Bürgermeisters Herrn Paus. Anwesend bei diesem Empfang waren auch einige Mitglieder des dortigen deutsch-amerikanischen Freundschaftskreises.Our trip also had a very official local significance. On two occasions we were received by the mayor of the city of Belleville, Mark Eckert. With this meeting, we presented a gift from our own mayor, Mr. Paus. Present at this reception were also members of the German-American friendship circle .
Unsere “Hosts” waren eine Kollegin und zwei Kollegen der OTHS, die uns Einblicke in den Alltag eines amerikanischen High School Lehrers gaben. Wir waren fasziniert von den technischen Möglichkeiten, die die Schule offerierte, andererseits aber erstaunt, wie schnell Korrekturen (multiple choice) erledigt werden können. Amerikanische Lehrer verbringen keine Zeit am Schreibtisch zu Hause, sondern erledigen ihre “Schularbeit” am Arbeitsplatz, in ihrem Klassenraum. Viele der Kollegen waren daher bereits um 6:00 Uhr früh in der Schule, um Schülern “Guidance“ zu geben.Our hosts were three colleagues at OTHS, who gave us insight into the everyday lives of American high school teachers. We were fascinated by the technological possibilities, which the school offered; then again we were astounded by how quickly multiple choice assignments could be corrected. American teachers do not spend time at home at their desks, but rather take care of their school work in the work place, in their classrooms. Many of the teachers were already here at 6:00 in the morning in order to give guidance to students. Gemütliche Runde
Abschließend hoffen wir, dass wir bald unseren Schülern die Möglichkeit geben können für bis zu drei Monate in die USA zu fliegen, um ihre eigenen Erfahrungen zu sammeln.

Unser Lieblingsspruch aus OTHS:
“Lehrer öffnen Türen; hindurchgehen müssen Schüler selbst.”In conclusion, we hope that soon we may be able to give our students the possibility to fly to the USA for some time up to three months, in order to gather their own experiences.

Our favorite saying from OTHS:
“Teachers open doors; students must walk through on their own.”

Teacher Exchange

von Wally Spiers, Belleville News-Democrat. October 6, 2006

Instruction styles are observed in visit from Paderborn teachers


THREE teachers from Goerdeler Gymnasium in Paderborn spent a couple of weeks observing at O’Fallon Township High School courtesy of Belleville Sister Cities Inc. and the Paderborn German-American Friendship Committee.

They teach at a gymnasium but that doesn’t mean they are involved with physical education. Gymnasium means preparatory school in Germany, said Gabriele Lambrechts, 46, who teaches English, history and Dutch. She has been teaching for 16 years.

The other teachers were Almut Ulama, 52, a 21-year veteran who teaches music and English, and Nadia Weber, 36, who teaches English, French and philosophy, an 11-year veteran.

As might be expected, their English is excellent, which is good since my German is nonexistent. Everyone in Germany is expected to learn English, Ulama said.

The trio was very happy with their experience. They had time-out of school to visit area attractions in St. Louis and the Abraham Lincoln museum in Springfield.

They also saw a Cardinals baseball game.

„We didn’t understand the rules but it was very exciting,“ Ulama said.

Lamhrechts said there are many differences in the educational systems of the two countries.

„In Germany. our school goes from sixth grade through 13th grade,“ Ulama said. „Students are 19, even 20 when they graduate.

„They do not have so many electives. We do not have multiple choice exams. There are a lot of essays, even in math.“

Students do not move from class to class but the teachers do. The schedule is not always the same from day to day.

Schools follow what we would call a year-round calendar with more breaks instead of a long summer holiday.

„We weren’t teaching but during the German lessons we answered a lot of questions,“ Llama said.

„The students asked so many questions, very interesting questions,“ Lambrechts said.

She said teachers in Germany actually dress more casually than teachers here and can even wear blue jeans.

In Germany, it takes at least five years of university to teach and then an additional two years of teacher training, Ulama said.

„Teacher training was the hardest time of my life,“ she said. „You were always being examined, critiqued.“

One of their hosts in O’Fallon, German teacher Kathy Ashby Ontiveros, has already visited Paderborn and two other teachers are to go after school is out next summer.

The teachers from Germany are scheduled to fly back today. „When we get back, there will still be one week of vacation left. But we have a lot of grading still waiting,“ Laubrechts said, sighing.

German exchange teachers visiting Belleville are, from left, Nadia Weber, Gabriele Lambrechts and Almut Ulama. Here they pose outside Belleville City Hall by the Sister Cities program sign.

von links nach rechts sehen wir:
Gabriele Lambrechts, Pat Hasenstab ( Gastgeber von Frau Lambrechts)
Herrn Russell Clover ( O’Fallon Township High School Superintendent )
Alan Elfrink ( Gastgeber von Frau Nadia Weber )
Frau Almut Ulama ( Gastgeberin von Frau Ashby Ontiveros im Juni 2006 in PB )
Nadia Weber,Kathy Ashby Ontiveros ( Gastgeberin von Frau Ulama in Belleville )

Im Juni 2007 werden die beiden Männer Pat Hasenstab und Alan Elfrink zu uns ans Goerdeler Gmynasium kommen.

Pat zu Frau Lambrechts und Alan zu Frau Weber.
Frau Kathy Ashby Ontiveros war bereits hier. Sie wurde von Frau Ulama liebevoll betreut.

A time to make friends

Dies war der Slogan der Fußballweltmeisterschaft 2006, die sich viele zum Anlass nahmen Deutschland zu besuchen.

Auch aus Belleville kamen drei Personen zu diesem Ereignis nach Deutschland und wohnten in der Zeit vom 16. Juni bis zum 25. Juni in Paderborn.

Dort wurden Andy Brunner, Chad Kutcher und Bill Zrobrist von der Familie Berns aufgenommen. Deren Sohn Robert hatte 2005 am 90tägigen high-school- Austauschprogramm des DAFK teilgenommen und so Andy Brunner, seinen Lehrer und Fußballtrainer, kennen gelernt.

Robert Berns besuchte mit seinen Gästen drei WM-Spiele in den Städten Berlin, Leipzig und Frankfurt.

Dort fungierte der Theodorianer auch als Städteführer, da sich gerade Chad Kutcher als „World-History“ Lehrer sehr für die deutsche Geschichte und deren Gebäude interessierten.

Aber auch Paderborn und Umgebung wurde von den Gästen aus Belleville mit Freude erkundet.

Nach 9 Tagen verließen die fußballbegeisterten Amerikaner das WM-Land Deutschland in Richtung Heimat. Wo sie hoffen das sich der Fußball von einer Randsportart zu einer populären Sportart wie Football oder Baseball entwickeln wird.

Bericht: Robert Berns

vor dem Stadion in Frankfurt von links nach rechts:
Robert Berns, Bill Zorbrist, Andy Brunner, Chad Kutcher
Public Viewing Party in Paderborn von links nach rechts: Chad Kutcher, Bill Zorbrist, Andy Brunner

Aus dem Mitteilungsblatt von Belleville Sister Cities Inc. August 2006

Grußworte der Präsidenten

President’s Message

I have just returned from the 2006 International Sister Cities Convention in Washington D. C. July 13-l5 where the entire focus of the conference was the importance of Sister City Partnerships on the global community.

There were over 400 foreign delegates among the 1,200 attending the conference. A great number of US and Foreign leaders spoke during the three days and each ex-pressed gratitude for what the partnerships have accomplished. Gestures of friendship, through assistance and exchange programs, have brought a face to the people in both countries, and valuable relationships have resulted. The SCI program accomplishes what no amount of money can. Be proud that you are associated with such a worthwhile program.

The convention marked the 50th year since President Eisenhower initiated the People to People program on September 11, 1956. Mary Jane Eisenhower, his granddaughter heads up the program now, spoke to the conference about how grateful she was for the success of the program.

While there are organization like ours, who have partnerships that carry out very pleasant exchange programs between youths and adults, there are also very many who are partnered with less developed countries who they work very hard to support, financing clinics, schools, roads, sewers, self help programs, etc. Partnerships with Islamic countries were strongly encouraged, to acquaint them with the western culture, better accomplished by friendship than by war.

The summer has seen lots of exchange visits between our sister cities. Paderborn artist Andreas Kopp took part in the Art on the Square in May. He was overwhelmed by the friendliness of our members and Belleville residents, by the amount of volunteerism at the festival, and grateful to Patty Gregory and her board for inviting him to take part. His medium was painting on metal. Norma Bergkoetter and Ruth Fritz were hosts during his week-long stay, and several other members graciously showed him around the area.

Our three long term students departed in June for a six week visit with the family of the Paderborn student they hosted last fall, attending three weeks of classes there. Eleven youths and chaperones went on the biannual three-week visit in July. Kathy Ashby was our first teacher exchange, and will be hosting her Paderborn cohort for this fall. We hope it is the beginning of a long-term educational project. Hearing the exchange reports will be a highlight at the August meeting.

While there was not an official adult exchange, several members have visited friends in Paderborn. Rich and Sally Berkel made the trip to be present at the happy occasion of the wedding of Otmar and Helga Allendorf’s daughter Danielle in July. Wolfgang and Renate Stueken spent several days with the Bob and Ruth Fritz.
Our exchange youths rode on the back of a decorated pickup in the Shriner’s Parade in June. V.P. Ron Fritz and I rode in a convertible, following our proud banner and carriers.

We were pleased with the cooperation of the exchange youths and parents in our food booth at the Deutchfest, to benefit their program. It was a good way to get to know each other, not necessarily a good way to get rich! Our stand was lucky to have survived strong wind and rain on Saturday, while several other booths did not. Probably not a project we will repeat.

A heavy storm also affected the June Membership Party, held at the Depot in Mascoutah Scheve Park. About 50 people came out in spite of threatening storms. Outside activities were curtained, but guests enjoyed visiting inside. We thank Bob and Ruth Fritz for making location arrangements, ordering chicken and providing the drinks for the affair.

Before our next general meeting, our two biggest fundraisers will take place, important because they are source of our funding for the youth exchange program. We will be selling our German food at the Octoberfest on September 21-22, and needing lots of assistance during the two long days. Rich Berkel and committee are busy working on the Taste of Germany ad booklets. Each of us should try to sell an ad at a place of business we patronize. Invite a friend and attend the TOG dinner. The success of the programs depends on each of us.

Hope to see you at our August l7th meeting.

Norma Bergkoetter, President



News from Paderborn

Dear Friends in Belleville and Around:

A heat wave has struck the US and Europe during July. Paderborn is looking forward to the opening of the exhibition “Canossa 1077” ( by our President Horst Koehler on July 21st. This exhibition will cover about 50 years around 1100, the conflict between the Pope Gregor VII. and the Emperor Henry IV. about who had the say in Europe. But also the art and culture of this period of the Middle Ages will be covered in the exhibition. Paderborn will expect more than 150.000 visitors until November 5th.

On July 14th the youth group from Belleville arrived, just in time to be here during the Libori Festival starting July 22nd thru July 30th. Mayor Paus will receive them at the City Hall on July 21st. There are 11 participants in this exchange. Chaperons are Katie McDowell and Jamie Stephens. Katie is accompanied by her husband Ryan. Besides the stay with the host families there will be two 4-day excursions to Berlin and Stralsund. This is the historic city in East Germany situated by the Baltic Sea that President Bush has visited recently ( Their stay will end on August 3rd.

Another wonderful youth exchange has just come to its end: On July 19th Lisa Lang, Allison Schaeffer and Jon Laux will be back in Belleville, they stayed here for six weeks answering a 90-day exchange of four Paderborn students to Belleville in 2005. The host families did a wonderful job to organize trips with their hosts to different parts of Germany.

We are sure that the young people have got new and interesting insights into German life and traditions. We hope that they will take home an objective and realistic image of their host country. This is the basic idea of an exchange that lasts longer than just two or three weeks.

Our thanks go to the host families, to Linda Driesner who has done a wonderful job organizing the trip in Belleville and to Jay Erdmann here in Paderborn.

On July 16th there was a get-together for both groups sponsored by DAFK where Rich and Sally Berkel who happened to be in Paderborn (having attended Daniela Allendorf’s wedding) could extend the greetings and best wishes from President Norma Bergkoetter.

For one week in July Robert Berns’ family hosted three soccer fans from the US attending some of the plays of the World Cup, one was Alan, soccer coach from Belleville West.

At the beginning of June Kathleen Ashby, teacher at O’Fallon High School and a member of BSC, had come to Paderborn for a week starting the teacher exchange that will be continued in autumn with the visit of three Paderborn teachers to Belleville. This is a great project that Linda Driesner has got going in Belleville.

Andreas Kopp returned from Bellville were he showed his works of art during “Art on the Square” in May. Although he didn’t sell any of his paintings on metal he talked enthusiastically about Belleville, his hosts, about the art fair and his meetings with visitors. (See report with pictures by Wolfgang Stueken who (with his wife) also stayed in Belleville during Art on the Square (see link to)

Well, these lines show how many successful activities have taken place during the last weeks. They will contribute to a better understanding of people in our regions. That is what BSC and DAFK are working for!

Best wishes.

Bernd Broer

Dr. Otmar Allendorf

Besuch aus Belleville

Junge Amerikaner im Rathaus empfangen

Beim Empfang im Paderborner Rathaus.

Paderborn (IP). ‚The time couldn’t be chosen better‘ – Die Zeit hätte nicht besser gewählt werden können, mit diesen Worten begrüßte Bürgermeister Heinz Paus die Jugendgruppe aus Belleville im Paderborner Rathaus.

Drei Wochen verbringen die 22 jungen Leute und fünf Begleitpersonen in Paderborn.

Beim Empfang dankte Heinz Paus besonders den gastgebenden Familien für ihr Engagement. Bernd Broer, der Präsident des Deutsch-Amerikanischen Freundeskreis, fügte ein Lob für die gute Organisation durch die Mitarbeiter des Jugendamtes der Stadt Paderborn und von Belleviller Seite hinzu und begrüßte die Gäste zur „fünften Jahreszeit“ Paderborns, zu Libori.

In fließendem Deutsch sprach Katie Mc Dowell, Begleiterin der amerikanischen Gäste: „Es ist so toll, dass wir hier sein können. Wir freuen uns auf die Stadt Paderborn. Hoffentlich wird es eine Freundschaft für immer.“
Die Deutschlehrerin an einer High-School wünschte sich, auch den Paderbornern bei ihrem Gegenbesuch in Belleville „so ein tolles Programm“ bieten zu können.

Zum Programm der Austauschgruppe gehören unter anderem Fahrten nach Stralsund, Berlin und zur Zeche Zollverein in Essen, aber auch eine Teambuilding Aktion im Parcours des neuen PaderKletterParks.

Seit 1990 besteht die Städtepartnerschaft zwischen Paderborn und der 45.000 Einwohner zählenden Stadt Belleville im US-Bundesstaat Illinois. Belleville war im 19. Jahrhundert das Ziel vieler deutscher Einwanderer, deren kulturelles Erbe auch heute noch die Stadt prägt.

„Norma Bergkötter (President BSC) schrieb hierzu:

Thanks for sending the pictures and information on the youths while they were visiting Paderborn. They all attended our meeting last Thursday and without exception gave glowing reports about their stay there.

They all found the experience of living with a family a wonderful education, enjoyed the trips they went on. I think it was our most successful exchange, in that we have had heard of no problems. They are already eagerly anticipating the hosting of a Paderborn youth in their homes next summer…
The six week youths found their stay equally as wonderful.“